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Running locally

This section will focus on local and general options.

Table of contents

  1. Run Snakemake, Run
  2. Crashed and burned (Unlocking)
  3. Influence rule execution

Run Snakemake, Run

A typical call to run the data rule may look like this:

snakemake --use-conda  --verbose -kprj --res mem_mb=32000 --ri data -n
Short Option Long Option Explanation
  --use-conda Create Conda envs automatically in .snakemake/conda
  --verbose Print detailed stack traces and detailed operations
-k --keep-going If a job fails, continue with independent jobs
-p --printshellcmds  
-r --reason Print the reason for rule execution (Missing output, updated input etc.)
-j --cores Number of CPU cores (threads) to use for this run. With no int, it uses all. Default is 1.
--res --resources Key value pair for resources
mem_mb: Memory in Megabyte.
--ri --rerun-incomplete If Snakemake marked a file as incomplete after a crash, delete and produce it again
-n --dryrun Just pretend to run the workflow. A similar option is -S (--summary)

Crashed and burned (Unlocking)

After the workflow was killed (Snakemake didn’t shutdown), the workflow directory will be still locked. If you are sure, that snakemake is no longer running (ps aux | grep snake).

Unlock the working directory:

snakemake data --unlock

Influence rule execution

If you don’t want to delete files marked as temporary in the workflow use the --notemp (--nt) flag. After copying files, modifications date may be altered and Snakemake tries to recreate files. By running Snakemake with the --touch (-t) option, exisitng files will be marked with the current date as current.

If you want to force the recreation of a certain file, use one of the force flags.

Short Option Long Option Explanation
-f --force Force execution of the given files or rules
-F --forceall Force execution of the given files or rules and preceding rules
-R <file> --forcerules Force execution of the given file or rule and depending rules